Sunday, September 11, 2011

NCMSS 2011 Show

Yesterday MamaGeek, Shades and I,  (all members of the Virginia Mini Painters Group from WAMP) met up at the National Capital Model Soldier Society annual show in Annandale, VA.  Each of us brought several pieces for the exhibition. 

I entered 6 pieces into the SciFi Fantasy Advanced Painters exhibit and was awarded Gold for my Reaper Duke Gerard piece, shown on the left.

MamaGeek was awarded a well deserved  Gold in the SciFi Fantasy Advanced Open exhibit for her "Visiting GrandPa" Piece.  This is a really impressive diorama.  Although her pictures of the piece are fantastic, they do not do justice to the overall execution.

Shades put both of us to shame with exhibits.  He was awarded silver in the SciFi Fantasy Advanced Painters exhibit for his Kroot Ox, but his exhibit in the Wargame category was outstanding.  A complete Lizardman Army, Malifaux goblin force and a Freebooters Fate pirate goblin gang.  The whole exhibit was awarded a Gold as well as best in show for Wargame. 
I'll be posting individual shot of my exhibit pieces over the course of the next few weeks, maybe actually get semi regular updates on here again.

While there I ran into several of the guys from the Yahoo Groups DC Area Mini Painting Club. A club that I joined when it started, over 10 years ago.  But I haven't made any of the painting sessions in a LONG time and I'm planning to change that.  Painting in a group setting, and getting instant critique and feed back on pieces, really helps the end product and overall technique.

1 comment:

MamaGeek said...

I just found your blog! A year after the show, and I read about it. Ah, well. I'll subscribe to your feed, so I should keep up from now on.

BTW, the link to my gallery goes to my latest, not the entry you are talking about. "Visiting Grandpa" is here.