Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Privateer Press Khador Field Gun

In my attempt to keep the updates and photots regular I'm shoing off one of my recently completed gaming pieces. The paint job on these guys isn't anything too special just a good solid table top quality paint job.

Unfortunately one of the local game stores, even further BFE Virginia then where I'm at, went belly up and was liquidating their entire stock. They were a pretty good game shop and I'd dropped quite a bit of cash there in the past, especially on thier Plastcruct building materials.

Being the good gaming individual I am and had to assist them with clearing out thier stock and bought up a decent amount of Khador and Trollbloods for my Horde/Machine games. Also I'm preparing to run an Iron Kingdoms Role Playing Game, so I'm picked up a few pieces specifically for that as well.

Friday, September 19, 2008

New Painting Challenge - Reading Comprehension FTW

For some reason Peterdita from the Wyrd miniatures boards challenged me to incorporate this face onto a miniature. The Tattoo and veins on the green skin will be especially difficult but I think I'll be able to pull something off.

In other news it appears that my original plan for the Rotten harvest painting comp will not be possible. Since the rules specifically prohibit discussing what you are going to do for the competition publically prior to submission. I'm fairly certain NOBODY has read my entry, previously but the letter of the rule was violated. I wonder if I can come up with something else for the comp

Monday, September 15, 2008

Nyss Sorceress

For this weeks miniature post I present the Nyss Sorceress from Privateer Press' Iron Kingdoms line. Our monthly RPG group recently started up a Savage Tides Campaign and Beautiful (which will be the proper name for my wife on the this blog from here on out) wanted to run a druid.

All in all I'm pretty pleased with how this figure turned out. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the cloak. The shape of the cloak components lend themselves to leaves or possibly feathers and scales. In the end I decided to go with leaves and even tried to free hand the leaf veins, which really didn't turn out to well.

Positive Aspects
Mid Rift: I think her flesh tones, and the free-hand belly button turned out pretty well. There's not a lot of flesh on the figure but I think I did a pretty good job on the mid rift and fingers.

Non-Metallic Metal: This is probably my best attempt at non-metallic painting to-date. I had not yet tried NMM since the class with Jeremie. He stated he painted True Metallics and Non-Metallics exactly the same, but he only went over true metallics during the class.

Negative Aspects:
The face: the way this figure was sculpted the face i shidden behind much of the hair. The end look on the sculpting is nice, but it's difficult to paint. Especially the eyes.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Witty Title Goes Here

Alright switching things up, even though no one is reading this thing and is currently just for my own edification. Updates will be on Tuesday and Friday, even though I plan on posting Monday and Thursday night. And there will be some sort of posting on each of those days. Even if I have to with hold photos of finished work to keep some sort of posting going. Additionally all my photos will get loaded up on here first excepting online competition miniatures. Those will get posted to the appropriate location and then loaded up on here.

Speaking of which I currently entertaining some thoughts on the Rotten Harvest painting Comp from WYRD Miniatures. I've been hanging onto a Hasslefree piece for a few years now and finally thinking I need to execute my plan on it for the Rotten Harvest. I'll be using Gen on her altar with Jade dancing on it luring men to thier sacraficial death. For the basing I'm still considering a few options. I'd like to get a few canedabras at the corners of the pentagram on the Altar but I can't find any quality ones. Lance and Laser used to have a set but I can't find it in thier catalog now. Sadly I can't sculpt to save my life and I feel like I need to do all the work on a competition piece myself. Instead I'm going to use a piece of wood to serve as a dias and cut out steps leading up to the dias in the side of the wood. Then use some putty to sculpt flagstones on the steps and floor of the dias. I've got about 4.5 weeks to do this.

Yeah This will end up succesful