Monday, May 5, 2014

HPC 2014 June Pledges

First a quick WIP on The Minotaurs Chapter Master Asterion Moloc

Pretty happy with the airbrushing on him, and really closer to what I originally envisioned.  Really let the tactical Squads get away with minimum effort, and they are far too dull brown.  But this, this is what I was looking for.  Glad I tested it on the Dreadnought first. Still needs some shading, highlighting, and edge highlighting.  But a solid start on the figure I think

Now for the June Pledge, only option really so I might as well go ahead and post it now.  That way if I start working on them everything is documented.

As I mentioned previously the Terminators were in really bad shape. Extras from several trades, and were looking awfully sad. Thick paint, fuzzy sections from the primer, all in all a sad state of affair. After stting in pinesol for a month I finally got around to working on them and still had to hand scrape the red army painter primer off several of the models.  Two of the terminators had about three layers of different color paint on them.  But now they are looking pretty good.  Should be able to ge these guys into a decent table top standard by the end of June.

Yes that is a headless Terminator Sgt. Just couldn't get all the paint scraped off the old models face. So I have two solutions ready to go. Either a new helmet less head, harvested from the previous Tactical Squad sprue, or a shiny new Anvil Industries Spartan Head

Sartorius on The Independent Characters Forum is also building a Minotaur list, and showed some Terminators with these heads on. Really like the look so ordered up a batch for myself. Planning to only use them sparingly for Sgts, Veterans, etc.  Should give  a nice look.  If the Anvil Industries order doesn't arrive in time, then I'll paint the helmet less head on and tack it in place. And then replace it when these guys show up.

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