Painting resolution time huh? Last year I rearranged my painting space 3-4 times, into three different rooms in the house. Not counting the numerous times I set up shop at the living room coffee table to do some work while my wife does her jewelry work and we both catch up on old TV shows and movies. Guess I'll keep mine vague and general, much easier to B.S. a success story at the end of next year, just like my performance reviews.
1) Paint more of my own stuff: This past year I have done more painting for others than I have for myself, knocking out one 40k Army and about a dozen units for a Warmachine army. Sadly I end up doing table top quality work to get the job done quickly, then have to relearn how to do the painting work I'd rather be doing. On the upside it feeds my pewter crack habit.
2) Enter pieces into the National Capital Model Soldier Society Show: Last year I went for the first time and saw the great work need to add my own exhibit this year.
3) Update this place at least once a week. Yes I know it states at the top of the page I'll update twice a week, but it's pretty apparent how well that works. Post below this one is sometime in late November I believe. I didn't want to turn this into a general crap about my life blog, and I'll still be avoiding doing so. But this may turn into more miniature PR0N of other work I'm impressed by, properly attributed to the companies and artists. So I'll need to look into the legalities and ethics of that.