Sunday, August 24, 2008

03098: Astrid Female Chronicler

This is how I spent my weekend. After the class with Jeremie I was excited to keep painting and whipped this up over Saturday and Sunday. Not sure how many hours I poured into her but probably more than 10 hours. The color pallet is far and away beyond what I would normally work on but for the most part I think it came together pretty well.

I was particularly pleased with my little freehand on the back of the guitar until I downloaded the images from the camera and discovered the paint chip. I'll have to fix that up sometime this week. All in all I'd say the immediate results from that class are pretty apparent and I'm eager to do some more.

Who started Blogging?

So I start Miniature Defacement indicating that I'll post two days a week and then stay silent for the 2nd week this is in motion?! Yeah well last week I took part in a painting course taught by Jeremie Bonamart Teboul and had a really good time. The whole class worked on the Avalonian Bust from Kraken editions Artefactory line. I should have a picture up of him later this week as I wasn't concerned with finishing him during the class.

I learned a lot during the class, especially the color and light theory. It's all things I knew but nothing that I had applied in that fashion before. Additionally Jeremie was bluntly honest in his appraisal of your work, something which really helps while learning. After spending 30 hours last week working on painting and learning Jeremie's style I'm very much eager to keep painting.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

03128: Sela Windsprite, Elf Pirate

I picked this little elf up as soon as I saw her about a year and a half a go. I finally got around to painting her in the last week or so. My good friend Vic sculpted the out gassing and bullet discharged from the gun which this angle doesn't show off the effect very wel.

Originally I was trying to go for a beach base for her with a treasure chest. Sadly my PVA glue water effects methodologies didn't work out as expected and I was left with some sort of "marsh base". This is the first time I tried to to do the photography without the Macro settings. Just set up the camera about 16" away and used a larger image resolution. The Depth of field is better, almost too good as you can see the weave in the backdrop fabric.

I didn't notice the scraped off paint on her hair line until blown up in front of my face while I was cropping the image. So I'll fix that up, re-pose her and then update some time later.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Privateer Press Supreme Aptimus Zaal

First mini presented is a recent warlock I did for my Skorne Army. I always try to walk a fine line between doing a real nice paint job and getting my forces done. Zaal ended up on the "nicer" side of things. Certainly not competition worthy but I'm certainly proud of the way he turned out

Still need to figure out the photography aspects. My Digital camera can't get above an f-stop of 8.0 and I think that might be giving me some depth of field issues on the Macro-photography set up. This photo was done with an F-stop of 8 and a shutter speed of 1/3

This is a completely unprocessed mini. I usually use an image manipulation program to alter the light and dark levels, resize, and crop but since I'm running this off my ancient laptop it can't quite manage the image manipulation program demands.

New Blog Ahoy

I decided to start up my own painting blog. Recently on the Disorderlies Painting Blog I've managed to post a new Fig about once a month. I'm hoping to manage posting at least one photo a week, preferably at least one finished fig every other week. If nothing else this will force me to actually take more photos of my work and hopefully get more practice and better end results going